Member Feature: TowPro6

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Today we're getting to know, who's been a member of Rusto Garage since April 2021!

What brought you to Rusto Garage?
I received an invite to join, checked out the site and it looked like something I would be interested in.
What’s your favourite part of this online community? 
Far and above the polls. It is interesting to me to see where my responses fall among all the answers received.
How would you describe yourself/occupation to a complete stranger? 
Towing Service and Auto Repair facility operator.
What interests you most about the automotive world?  
The way it is always changing and leading the way.  The automotive industry has always solved very complex problems and they have been able to build saleable products as a result of those innovations. 
What automotive projects do you like to focus on? 
Restorations of old cars.
What is your favourite Rust-Oleum product? How has it helped with your automotive projects? 
My favorite Rust-Oleum product is the original Rust-Oleum paint. Whether in a spray can or the quart cans it is by far the best paint out there for getting a smooth rust free finish.
What is your favorite automotive project you’ve done and how did you accomplish it? 
Restoring some of cars and my first tow truck. 
What’s the most challenging project you have tackled (or are putting off!)?  
Restoration of some remaining vehicles. Hard sometimes to find the time. 
If you could create any type of automotive product/project (with no limitations), what would you design and why?  
An automotive theme park where you pay an entry fee for your car and then cruise like we did back in the 60s. There would be drive-in restaurants, speed shops, drive-in theaters, so people could experience life in a different time. The whole park would be laid out like small town, become a tourist destination and give people a glimpse of life in an earlier time. 
What is your dream ride? 
1941 Willys Coupe restored to stock.
Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know about you. 
I spent 20 years in the US Army.
What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you? 
Go where the money is.  Just because you grew up in one place does not mean you need to stay there.  Relocate to get the best paying jobs.
Kicking back for a relaxing night: what’s your favorite meal? What will you be watching?  
Favorite meal - hamburgers off the grill.  TV, I will be watching sports.  NASCAR, NFL, MLB College football and basketball.
Thanks for letting us get to know you!