What kind of paint scheme person are you? (single color, full blown graphics, light up paint, etc?)

Submitted to The Shop

Yes, we all have to drive that "one" car because we have to but if you had a choice what would your paint scheme look like?
Maybe you already have that dream car with your favorite paint scheme. What does it look like?

What kind of look do you fancy the most?!

All one solid color?
Crazy colorful graphics or wraps?
Light up Paint?
Something else?

For me its crazy because I create crazy, colorful, light up, off the wall designs every single day for clients but I just love the solid single color look myself on a vehicle. More specific a deep dark color like purple, or blue and maybe black with a purple pearl. Ill probably even go as far as blacking everything out at that point with a black chrome.

Whats your favorite paint scheme?