Shop floor

Submitted to The Shop

I planned to submit this post almost a year ago. We had our shop built this spring and decided to put a coating on the concrete floor before moving our stuff in. I built a loft which is my wife's craft area before we painted the floor. It served as a good place to put all the stuff we already accumulated.
A trip to our local Home Depot yielded 2 Rustoleum options for the floor. We decided on the EpoxyShield garage floor coating. We bought 2 kits for our 26' x 36' floor.
The first step was to thoroughly clean and wash the concrete which didn't take much as it was new. Then etching with the supplied chemical and water followed with a thorough rinse and good squeegee.
After the cleaned floor was dry we taped off the areas not to be painted. Then we mixed the paint and catalyst together from the two kits in a five gallon bucket. My wife painted a good thick coat bordering the areas we taped off and I followed by pouring paint from the bucket onto the floor and spreading a thick coat with a medium paint roller with an 8 foot handle. Before we covered too much area my wife sprinkled the wet paint with the color flakes (her favorite part) as we progressed throughout the shop.
It was dry the next day and looks spectacular.
Now, 9 months later and tons of traffic, welding, painting, sanding and more projects that the floor was subjected to, it still looks like new and is not showing any signs of wear.