Brands, Logos, and Stickers; Most Iconic and/or Recognizable

Submitted to The Shop

We know them by heart!

Sometimes we don't even need to see the actual name to know who that logo or sticker belongs to.

So which ones are they for you?

What brands or logos do you think are so iconic or instantly recognizable?
(psst.. it does NOT need to be all automotive either)

For me, these brands or logos are most iconic or instantly recognizable:

  • Ford
  • Chevrolet
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • BMW
  • McDonalds
  • Shell
  • Apple
  • Coca Cola
  • The Olympics
  • Starbucks
  • Nike
  • Target
  • Twitter

What are those brands/logos for you?! (as many as you'd like is ok)

Trust me, you'll want to get involved with this one!