Welcome to Rusto Garage

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Thanks for joining the community! You’re officially in the family. Rusto Garage is the place to connect with others who love maintaining and customizing their cars. You’ll have the chance to learn about products and techniques, participate in discussions and maybe even try out a new product or two. As a Rusto Garage member, you’ll be helping our team at Rust-Oleum make products that better suit your needs by sharing your opinions and feedback. 

So, where do I find everything?

Finding your way around Rusto Garage is pretty straightforward, if we do say so ourselves.

  • Click your profile photo in the top right corner to update your profile, change what and how much information you receive from us (notification settings) and access your private messages (psst... Make sure to update your profile photo with one of your own to be entered into a monthly draw to win a gift card!)
  • Our Discussion Forum is where you can ask questions, start discussions, or share the work that you’ve been doing
  • The list down the left side of your screen (also found by clicking the ‘hamburger menu’ in the top left on mobile) will take you to a list of current activities and challenges and other commonly used links.

We encourage our new members to check out these quick activities to get started in Rusto Garage. (Pro Tip: All members who complete any one of these three activities will receive a sweet Rusto Garage Welcome Kit. Just provide your shipping information, and we’ll do the rest!)


Meet the Rusto Garage Team


I’m a Rusto Garage moderator. I have worked closely with cars and Rust-Oleum for years, and I am stoked to lead this new space for all those who love cars. I’ll be posting blogs and activities, joining conversations, and answering your questions. Feel free to send me a question anytime (click on my profile photo, then the three dots on the left), and I’ll make sure I get back to you.


I’m also a Rusto Garage moderator and like to consider myself the host of this online party. You’ll see me posting blogs and activities, joining conversations, and helping members get their questions answered - as well as some behind the scenes stuff that you won't see. Send me a message anytime you need help (just click on my profile photo, then the three dots on the left), and I’ll be happy to respond!


I manage Rusto Garage on the Rust-Oleum side. I work with Pete, the Rusto Garage team, and the Rust-Oleum Automotive team to bring you challenges, activities, and much more. You’ll see me in the community from time to time, but much of what I do is behind the scenes. 

Of course, we wouldn’t have a Rusto Garage without members like you – click on the People icon on the top right to see other car customizers and enthusiasts like you who make up our community. You might spot badges for other Rust-Oleum employees, and influencers too.

Thanks for joining Rusto Garage and helping to build our community. Don’t forget to update your profile and complete the three entry activities to get your welcome kit.

See you around…